
Posts Tagged ‘weight loss’

Green Foods founder, Dr. Yoshihide Hagiwara, did not consider barley grass to be a healing medicine or drug for the treatment of specific disorders at the beginning of his research which spanned a time period of about twenty years while he introduced Green Magma to the Japanese public.

Dr. Hagiwara soon discovered that young barley grass juice was one of the richest sources of the entire broad spectrum of nutrients required by man for cellular reparation and well-being. He was astonished at its power to improve hundreds of  health problems and complaints that had previously not responded to the conventional treatment.

Young barley grass juice contains 66 times more chlorophyll than spinach and is therefore one of the best natural sources of chlorophyll.  Dr. Hagiwara listed impressive cases of healing success, including the following:

  • A 17-year-old girl, who had suffered from asthma and frequent eczemas since childhood, took Green Magma for one month and her eczema disappeared and the asthma attacks became much less frequent.  After six months, she hardly had any more asthma attacks and her skin became smooth and toned.
  • A 60-year-old woman who had suffered from obesity and high blood pressure not only lost weight, and her shoulders which had been stiff, became more flexible and free of pain.
  • A 44-year-old woman had bad skin and a sallow color to her face.  After taking Green Magma, her skin became more vibrant with good circulation.
  • A 53-year-old man was frequently apathetic and exhausted.  What really bothered him was his sexual desire had also declined.  After six months of taking Green Magma, he regained his vitality, his abdominal fat melted away, and his sex life became normal once again.
  • A man of 60 suffered from a stomach ulcer.  After taking Green Magma for one month, his appetite increased, and the stomach ulcer healed.
  • A 55-year-old woman, who had been diagnosed as diabetic, cured her disease solely with natural foods and Green Magma.  She believed it is best to heal diabetes through a carefully controlled diet of natural, health-promoting foods.
  • A 35-year-old who had suffered from high blood pressure since the birth of her third baby had do stay in bed for 2 months after birth because she had intense headaches.  Her headaches disappeared within one month and her blood pressure decreased from 230/130 to 160/100 with Green Magma.

Since Dr. Hagiwara’s studies, we have received testimonials from thousands of regular customers of how the “magic green powder” has kept them free from doctors visits for years, helping them with better hair, skin and nails, increased energy levels, improved digestion, and fewer illnesses overall.  Very good indicators of good nutrition and a detoxified body!

We would love to hear from you as to how Green Magma, Magma Plus, or any of our other products have improved your health, vitality and overall well-being. Our primary mission is to help create a healthy, dis-ease free, peaceful world through the development of superior, high-integrity products.

Share your story here of 50 words or more and receive a special gift in the form of a Green Foods t-shirt or sample pack.

We look forward to hearing from you!  Keep shining!


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Green Magma Princess

Green Foods Family Style!

We had a great time at the Green Festival, S.F. this past weekend turning many people of all ages on to the magma-tizing powers of our Green Magma and Magma Plus barley grass juice.  Some responses we received:  “This doesn’t taste anything like wheatgrass – it’s much more mild and easier to drink,” and “It looks so green and alive!”

A refreshing oasis at the busy show

Barley grass juice is most certainly a vibrant green color and incredibly abundant with so many nutrients:

  • Essential and non-essential amino acids
  • High amounts of enzymes like superoxide dismutase (SOD)
  • Folic acid
  • Antioxidants
  • Caretenoids including beta carotene
  • Pantothenic acid
  • Flavonoids
  • Vitamins: B2, B6, B1, B12, C, K
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Manganese
  • Potassium
  • Phosphorus
  • Magnesium
  • Chlorophyll
 “[Barley Grass is] one of the most incredible products of this decade. It improves stamina, sexual energy, clarity of thought, and reduces addiction to things that are bad for you. It also improves the texture of the skin and heals the dryness associated with aging.”   – Dr. Howard Lutz, Director of the Institute of Preventive Medicine, Washington D.C.

Dr. Yoshihide Hagiwara, founder of Green Foods, discovered over 40 years ago that young barley grass is the most nutritionally balanced food in nature.  He discovered that the most nutritious part of the plant resides in its young green blades of grass and developed a spray-dry method to capture and protect the abundant nutrients and enzymes in freshly harvested young grass.  It is through this method that Green Magma was born and is available for the benefit of all.

So, what are some the benefits of barley grass juice?

1.      Enhanced metabolism:  Dr. Kubota at the Science University of Tokyo found that barley grass juice reduces serum cholesterol in rats fed a high-cholesterol diet.  And mice fed barley grass juice were 150% more active than mice fed a control diet.

2.      Cellular regeneration/Anti-inflammatory:  Dr. Perricone has conducted studies with Green Magma that show significant cellular repair and rejuvenation amongst his clients which is directly related to barley grass’ anti-aging properties in fighting free radical activity, reducing inflammation, and supporting healthy blood flow.

3.      Stimulates weight loss:  Many people report that supplementation of Green Magma stimulates weight loss as well as crucial nutritional support during a cleanse or diet.

4.     Improves digestion and promotes regularity:  Barley grass helps combat ulcerative colitis by lowering the amount of inflammatory chemicals in the by balancing the water content of the bowel content. Studies also show that barley grass increases the amount of friendly bacteria in bowels.

5.     Strengthens the immune systemPhytonutrients and flavinoids are necessary for maintaining optimal health and protecting the body from toxins in our environment.

Barley grass has also shown promising results in preliminary studies done on its ability to inhibit certain cancer cell growths.  We have received testimonies over the years from cancer patients who have been supported tremendously by consuming Green Magma and changing their lifestyles.  One of our Green Foods Facebook fans posted:

“Green Magma is amazing! My brother has cancer and is going through intense chemo right now and this is the ONLY thing that makes him feel better and gives him energy. Thank you.” Brittany Vasseur

As you can see, there are so many benefits to including barley grass juice to ones diet!  We receive a number of testimonials as to how it improves mental clarity, hair, skin and nails, and the #1 benefit we hear is increased energy levels.  Many of our fans have ditched their addiction to coffee and prefer to make a morning and mid-afternoon green shake instead.

We invite you to share your stories with us here or on our company Facebook page:  www.facebook.com/greenfoodscorp

Keep shining!

Orie, Marisol, and Aki


Lutz, Howard Dr.  Institute of Preventative Medicine, Washington D.C.

Perricone, Nicholas, M.D. Dr. Perricone’s 7 Secrets to Beauty, Health and Longevity. Ballentine Books, NY, NY.  2006.

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