
Posts Tagged ‘Dr. Perricone’

Our skin is a reflection of our inner health.  Clear, moist and glowing skin is the sign of good hydration and diet, whereas excessively dry or oily, scaly or blotchy skin may signify a poor diet.  There are many authorities that advocate the importance of food nutrients such as antioxidants, omega oils and anti-inflammatory compounds which is one of the reasons we see them showing up more and more in personal care products. Clearly, there is an interconnection between eating foods that maintain our overall well-being as well as healthy, radiant skin.

acerola berries

The list of nutrients that benefit skin is almost endless.  For one, Vitamin C helps build collagen, the framework between the tissues of our body. Poor intake of this vitamin can cause bruising, loss of skin strength and elasticity, and poor healing of cuts.  The small bright red acerola berry that is native to the West Indies and looks like a cherry, is one of the most potent sources of natural vitamin C and bioflavanoids known to scientists.

Over 200% of RDI of Vitamin A

We incorporate the juice of organic carrots and acerola berries in our Carrot Essence to create a power-packed natural source of Vitamin C, Vitamin A (as beta-carotene), antioxidant drink that our fans love – especially during the warmer months when our skin needs the greatest protection from the sun.

One of the country’s top dermatologists, Dr. Nicholas Perricone, has been recommending Green Foods products like Green Magma to his patients for years to support them with numerous health benefits, including: enhanced metabolism, anti-inflammatory action, cellular regeneration, detox, and cardiovascular benefits.  In his latest best-selling book, Forever Young, he also emphasizes Green Magma as a great source of Vitamin K, which is important for blood clotting and bone formation.

In addition to organic green foods, carrots and acerola berries, here are some other foods that contribute to radiant, beautiful skin:

Avocados:  Abundant in omega-3 fatty acids, supporting strong cell membranes; B-complex vitamins; lecithin, to protect cell walls; potassium; and anti-inflammatories that soothe and renew skin and tissue on a cellular level.

Green Tea:  Infused with age-defying antioxidants.  Minimally processed, it offers the most antioxidant polyphenols of all teas.  It also include a specific catechin believed to inhibit cancer as well as beautify the skin.

Blueberries:  With very high antioxidant phytonutrients, called anthocynanins, these little guys are shown to improve the integrity of collagen in skin and inhibit photoaging (sun damage) according to a study in the Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology.

Omega Oils:  Uncooked oils are teeming with benefits for our skin because many their nutrients aren’t damaged or destroyed by heat.  Foods rich with omegas include chia seeds; flax seeds and oil; olives and olive oil; walnuts; and pumpkin seed oil.

Raw Honey:  We have a beekeeper neighbor who brings us raw honey from her 36,000 bees.  It is not only heavenly to taste, but so nourishing for our skin with many vitamins and minerals such as antioxidant vitamins A, C and E; D and K for the skin; reparative B complex vitamins.  Also a wonderful way to help keep allergy symptoms at bay!

And finally, the key to ageless beauty is not just about drinking plenty of water, eating wholesome, natural foods and getting your Carrot Essence or Green Magma in each day.  It’s about maintaining a positive outlook with where you are right now – being kind and gentle with yourself and your body.  With intention and commitment we will all get to where we want to go, so let’s do it with a smile and enjoy the process.

Keep shining!  And enjoy a safe and happy 4th of July!!

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